Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What’s so Great About Nitrogen?

Throughout our blog, we have provided you with a vast amount of information on the specifics on nitrogen generators and how they can assist various industries in their day-to-day processes.  So what is it exactly about nitrogen that we find so fascinating?...
Here’s some cool facts you may not know about nitrogen.
- Nitrogen gas makes up 78% of the volume of the Earth's air
- Most common uses for nitrogen:
  • Gunpowder
  • Fertilizer
  • Rocket Fuels
  • Liquid Nitrogen
  • Nitrogen Generators (we had to throw this one in...) Find out more about nitrogen generators and how they work
  • Nitrogen dioxide
- Nitrogen is odorless, tasteless and colorless
- Your body is 3% nitrogen by weight
- Nitrogen is lighter than water at liquid state and lighter than air at gaseous state

Friday, December 24, 2010

Take your Gasoline Further with Nitrogen!

Vehicles take a lot of abuse… it is important to always maintain your vehicle throughout the year to eliminate costly repairs in the future.
If you haven’t already heard…Shell gas stations across Canada and the United States have introduced a nitrogen-enhanced gasoline containing a unique, patented cleaning system designed to destroy build up on intake values and fuel injectors left by low quality gas in all their gasoline grades  – this is also known as “engine gunk”.
Nitrogen is the “secret” in this new gasoline and acts as the active cleaning molecule throughout the gasoline. Nitrogen allows the gasoline to perform in more a more balanced fashion at higher temperatures and allowing your vehicle to operate at a cleaner level.  
Nitrogen is also extremely useful when it come to keeping you moving… nitrogen tire inflation is becoming extremely popular with the benefits being improved fuel economy and increased tire life.
PSA nitrogen generators or membrane generators are recommended for auto service businesses who are looking to provide an added service for their customers.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nitrogen – Eliminating Pesky Business!

Grain  - an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, oils and protein. Since grain is such an important staple to our survival, it is mass produced in order to meet the demands of the human race and the multiple uses for which grain can be integrated. However, with all natural products length of shelf-life is always an issue therefore proper storage is crucial. Within grain silos, there is always a risk of loss of moisture, temperature, excessive amounts of oxygen and even worse the potential of pest issues.
Nitrogen can assist with the preservation of grain within silos.  A nitrogen tank linked into the silo can provides balanced nitrogen up to 98% concentration.   This will eliminate all pest issues within 10 days of installment  and keeps the grain shelf life for one year…. Sometimes longer.
Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) nitrogen generators or membrane generators are recommended for this type of application.
Learn more about how nitrogen generators can assist in grain silos.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Nitrogen Generators – Size Variations

Choosing to produce on-site nitrogen is a very economical decision for a business that relies on a compressed gas source to aid in a process.  Depending on what your process requires, a particular type and size nitrogen generator will be recommended by a nitrogen generator supplier.  Below are a few key answers you should have in order to get a nitrogen generator that’s best for you!
1.  What is your current source of nitrogen – liquid dewars, high pressure cylinders, or bulk nitrogen?
2. Flow Rate – How much are you currently using? Decide how many high pressure cylinders, dewars or bulk nitrogen your application uses in a week in order to calculate the scfh (standard cubic feet per hour) – this will help you determine the flow rate your application requires.
3. Purity – how much oxygen can your process tolerate? The more oxygen you can allow, the less expensive it will be for your nitrogen generator.
4. What is the actual pressure of the nitrogen at the point of use?
5. Compressed air – is it available in your facility? If so, what is the compressed air pressure and does the system have an air dryer?
6. Where will your generator be installed – indoors or outdoors? For outdoor generators, specify the type of conditions the generator could be exposed to and if shielding the equipment is an option. For indoor generators, what are the highest and lowest temperatures possible for the generator to be exposed to?
Always remember, if you are unsure about how to find out the answers to these questions above - a knowledgeable and reputable supplier will be happy to help you... not sure where to start - check out Compressed Gas Technologies.

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Fresh New Idea for Coffee Packagers!

If you’re looking for a guaranteed process to make the freshest coffee possible in the coffee packaging industry – look no further than nitrogen generation.

Nitrogen is used in the food industry because of its ability to reduce spoilage.
Immediately after roasting coffee beans, oxygen begins destroying coffee causing it to lose its flavor. Transferring oxygen with nitrogen or "Nitrogen Flushing" during packaging preserves the flavor of  the coffee.
In a simple taste test comparing nitrogen-flushed coffee to a valve bag coffee the taste results based off the packaging process are significantly different. After being packaged for a period of approximately 20 days, coffee that was nitrogen-flush packaged was far more fresh than the valve bag, in which the coffee was flat and bag-tasting. Therefore it can be concluded that nitrogen flushing offers stabilization and preserves freshness when it comes to coffee packaging. Nitrogen as a pure element has no smell, no taste and no colour, this assures that chances of it affecting the taste and smell of the coffee are next to impossible.
Check out more information on nitrogen generators and the coffee packaging industry.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is On-Site Nitrogen Right for You?

If your business currently requires nitrogen for tank padding, drying, product transfer, purging, flushing, or inerting, look at your plant's compressed air supply as a source to produce your own on-site nitrogen. This is an easy and reliable way that can save you money and give you more control over your gas use. Companies who produce their own supply of on-site nitrogen can generate as much or as little nitrogen as they need, at a fraction of the cost of having the gas delivered by an external source.
Applications that are best suited to on-site nitrogen of the Pressure Swing Adsorption variety are: snack food packaging, bottling (wineries), laser cutting with nitrogen, tank padding, tire filling, power stations, Injection Molding (Gas Assist), fruit storage, lead free soldering, beer dispensing and mine fires.
Discuss with a trusted and knowledgeable nitrogen generator supplier about your options today!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Nitrogen To The Rescue!

Fire sprinkler systems are an integral aspect of any fire safety process. If in the event of a fire you want to feel confident that the system you have installed in your building will perform as it was originally designed. However, all systems have the potential to run the risk of being flawed. The number one error potential in fire sprinkler systems is corrosion in the piping.
Corrosion can cause pinhole leaks, damage to the equipment, and potentially revenue loss due to shut down for repairs. The best prevention method for your fire sprinkler piping lines is nitrogen – a clean, non-flammable dry inert supervisory gas.
Fire sprinkler systems mandate the assistance of a supervisory gas so that when a fire is detected through extreme warm temperatures and smoke, the gas will proceed through the open sprinkler head first, followed by the water set off by a triggered value.  Nitrogen generators supply nitrogen on demand at a low pressure, which makes it a safer alternative to using high pressure nitrogen cylinders. There are no heavy cylinders to keep on hand, only small containers as a back-up for refilling the piping if necessary.
Consider on-site nitrogen generators as your preference for a supervisory gas for your fire sprinkler systems.
View more information regarding fire spinkler systems and nitrogen generators and other nitrogen generator products.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Lab Gas Generators - Another Great On-Site Nitrogen Option!

Lab gas nitrogen generators are typically high purity, low flow, PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) systems. They have a small footprint and are extremely quiet which allows them to be installed right in the lab. These units can either use existing house compressed air or they can be ordered with integral oil-free air compressors. Purities (oxygen levels) range from 1% down to 10 PPM.

For LCMS applications membrane nitrogen generators are becoming more popular now that the flow rate requirements are increasing (4 LPM up to 60 LPM). Your nitrogen generator supplier will recommend the best technology for your application.

Sizing a nitrogen generator for your lab equipment is very simple. The operations manual for your equipment will have your nitrogen requirements (flow; purity; and pressure) listed in the "utilities" section of the manual.

Get more information on lab gas nitrogen generators.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nitrogen Takes First Place Where Laser Cutting is concerned

Laser cutting (typically used for industrial manufacturing applications) allows faster and higher quality cuts than traditional cutting methods (torch or the like). Examples of applications in laser cutting are flat-sheet material and structural and piping materials. An assist gas, usually nitrogen or oxygen, is applied to make precision cuts to various applications.
While oxygen as an assist gas allows for much higher speeds of cutting and may be a more cost efficient solution for an assist gas in laser cutting, more often than not a brown scale is seen on cut edges which will require an additional step of de-scaling with a chemical before welding can commence. So is the extra step really worth the time and additional cost?
Today, most laser-cutting operations use nitrogen as an assist gas because the results produce a much cleaner, shiny and finished cut. Nitrogen requires a high purity level in the gas supply and must be operated at high pressure therefore increasing operational cost. How do you justify the higher operational cost – on -site nitrogen generation.  Nitrogen generators, such as a PSA nitrogen generator use carbon molecular sieves to remove oxygen out of compressed air and keep a pure source of nitrogen available to assist with precision cuts for laser cutting industries.
So when it comes to high end, top quality products – consider nitrogen as your assist gas in your application as it may be the deciding factor on why your product was chosen over a competitor.
View additional information on laser cutting and nitrogen generators.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Latest and Greatest in Air Compressors for Nitrogen Generation

Every application is different when it comes to nitrogen generation, therefore air compressors should be no different. Check out these 4 types of air compressors that just might be what your looking for...

Scroll Compressors
Scroll Compressors - Typically used in laboratory applications that require low flow nitrogen and where noise is a factor.

Benefits: Guaranteed oil-free air, simple load/ unload technology for maximum energy efficiency, low operating noise level, long operating life with minimal maintenanace required.

Reciprocating Air Compressors

Reciprocating Air Compressors - Typically used in small flow nitrogen applications where noise is not an issue.

Benefits: Highly energy efficient due to reciprocating/piston compressors, simple and reliable with minimal moving parts, long operating life.

Rotary Screw Air Compressors
Rotary Screw Air Compressors -  Oil-lubricated and are most commonly used for medium to high flow nitrogen applications.

Benefits: Designed for continuous duty, available in various control methods for efficiency to best match the application, eliminates the need for high pressure booster compressors and oil-free options are available.

Centrifugal Compressors

Centrifugal Compressors  - Used mainly for large air separation systems.

Benefits: Oil-free air, energy efficient, highly established compressor utilized in some of the world's largest manufacturing facilities, built for continuous (24 hour) operation.

View more information regarding air compressors and nitrogen generators.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Prep your Tires for Winter with Nitrogen Inflation

Filling your tires with nitrogen as opposed to regular compressed air has many benefits. Improvements can be seen in vehicle handling, extended tire life in tire pressure maintenance, better fuel efficiency and fuel economy and your vehicle running at cooler temperatures. Are the same benefits consistent throughout the winter months? Absolutely!

Even in extreme winter temperatures, nitrogen is able to hold its own in colder temperatures, fluctuations in temperature and more consistent tire pressure while driving the snowy drifts. Although nitrogen is a great option for winter it is still important to check your tire pressure throughout the winter to make sure your tires are operating at their best - nothing is ever absolutely maintenance free.

Speak to a nitrogen generators supplier for more information regarding nitrogen tire inflation.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What to Look For in a Nitrogen Generator Supplier

You've decided that producing on-site nitrogen is going to be something beneficial for your business - great! Now what? It is important to choose a reputable and experienced nitrogen generator supplier to help you choose the best unit for your business' application. Keep in mind these 5 guidelines when you are searching for a nitrogen generator supplier:

  1. How many generator options does the nitrogen generator supplier offer? Do they have several unit options to assist a wide variety of businesses? How much do they know about the systems they offer? Are they able to distinguish the difference between membrane nitrogen generators and PSA nitrogen generators?
  2. Which country is the generator manufactured in? Generators made outside of North America have  different standards that can greatly affect the capabilities and performance of an application. Ensure the money you invest in a nitrogen generator will give you results you desire.
  3. Years in Business - Look for companies whose only business is nitrogen generation which a minimum of 5 years experience.
  4. Are nitrogen generator units adjustable to varying nitrogen needs? Nitrogen generators should be a long-term investment for your business - ask your supplier if the unit you are investing in can be expandable to account for nitrogen demand increases or decreases in the future.
  5. Testimonials/Successes in Past - Don't be afraid to ask the nitrogen generator supplier if they have sold similiar units to other businesses like yours. It is important the supplier knows and understands the functionality of your industry to ensure the nitrogen generator they suggest to you will perform the tqask you require.
These are 5 general guidelines you should adhere to when looking into a nitrogen generator supplier. Don't be afraid to ask questions and explore your nitrogen generation options.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Kind of Generator is Best for You?

So you've made the decision to utilize on-site nitrogen production - but what nitrogen generator is best for your industry's application? CGT can help!

Generally speaking there are two types of nitrogen generators: Membrane Nitrogen Generators and PSA Nitrogen Generators. Check out both types and decide which one is best for you.

Membrane Technology

Membrane technology works by filtering oxygen from the dry compressed air stream via hundreds of thousands of hollow, polymeric fibers each the diameter of a human hair to produce gaseous nitrogen. The purity of the nitrogen (O2 Content) can be adjusted by regulating the volume of air passed through the membrane. Membrane modules can be added as necessary, so it's easy to expand as requirements change.

Membrane nitrogen generators are typically used in applications where the purity requirement is below 99.5% (0.5% O2 of higher).

PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) Technology

PSA technology utilizes two towers which are filled with carbon molecular sieve (CMS). Compressed air enters the bottom of the "online" tower and flows up through the CMS. Oxygen and other trace gases are preferentially adsorbed by the CMS, allowing nitrogen to pass through. After a pre-set time the on-line tower automatically switches to the regenerative mode, venting contaminants from the CMS. Carbon molecular sieve differs from ordinary activated carbons as it has a much narrower range of pore openings. This allows small molecules such as oxygen to penetrate the pores and separate from nitrogen molecules which are too large to enter the CMS. The larger molecules by-pass the CMS and emerge as nitrogen gas.

PSA nitrogen generators are typically used in applications where the purity requirement is higher than 99.5% (0.5% O2 or below).

If you're still not sure which unit is best for your company, please feel free to request a quote from us or give CGT a call directly.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

CGT's new Nitrogen Generators Blog!

Compressed Gas Technologies Inc. is a leading supplier of on-site nitrogen generators throughout North America. We can help you save money on your nitrogen gas costs. Our line of generators allows you to produce on-site nitrogen, simply and cost effectively from a supply of compressed air. Eliminate rental charges, transportation expenses, labor costs, and evaporation losses of bulk systems.

Please check out our blog for information regarding nitrogen generators, nitrogen generation technology as well as industry-specific uses for our generators. If you have any nitrogen related questions, or you would like to see specific information regarding nitrogen generators on our blog - please contact CGT directly.