Choosing to produce on-site nitrogen is a very economical decision for a business that relies on a compressed gas source to aid in a process. Depending on what your process requires, a particular type and size nitrogen generator will be recommended by a nitrogen generator supplier. Below are a few key answers you should have in order to get a nitrogen generator that’s best for you! 1. What is your current source of nitrogen – liquid dewars, high pressure cylinders, or bulk nitrogen?
2. Flow Rate – How much are you currently using? Decide how many high pressure cylinders, dewars or bulk nitrogen your application uses in a week in order to calculate the scfh (standard cubic feet per hour) – this will help you determine the flow rate your application requires.
3. Purity – how much oxygen can your process tolerate? The more oxygen you can allow, the less expensive it will be for your nitrogen generator.
4. What is the actual pressure of the nitrogen at the point of use?
5. Compressed air – is it available in your facility? If so, what is the compressed air pressure and does the system have an air dryer?
6. Where will your generator be installed – indoors or outdoors? For outdoor generators, specify the type of conditions the generator could be exposed to and if shielding the equipment is an option. For indoor generators, what are the highest and lowest temperatures possible for the generator to be exposed to?
Always remember, if you are unsure about how to find out the answers to these questions above - a knowledgeable and reputable supplier will be happy to help you... not sure where to start - check out
Compressed Gas Technologies.